
In search of dog and home

The dog I knew best, if not quite the best dog I’ve known, was a scoundrel named Toby. I use the term “scoundrel” with affection, but also as an honest description.

Lives Remembered: Jack Katz

It didn’t matter who you were or what your position, my dad would take the time to chat and to offer help if requested. He was the personification of love. He would strike up a conversation, smile and take an interest in what was going on in your life.

Living in an alternate history in the age of Trump

On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, an electoral bend sinister took place. Donald Trump won the American presidency in defiance of polls and pundits.

What it means to be free today

For me and for many of you, without taking the opportunity to reflect upon what the lessons of Passover mean for the daily choices we make in our lives, the observance of the holiday is hollow.

When I was young

HJN Digital Content Editor Ben Shragge talks getting on in years.