Arts & Culture

AGH's Shelley Falconer is no stranger to Hamilton

As president and CEO of the Art Gallery of Hamilton, Shelley Falconer’s connection to the city melds the professional and the personal.

The keeper of Poland's Jewish history

Barbara Kirshenblatt-Gimblett, Chief Curator of the Core Exhibition of POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews will be the featured speaker at the 2017 Marvin and Lillian Goldblatt Lecture in Jewish Studies at McMaster University.

Poetry Corner: Debt

A poem by Rabbi Yonah Lavery-Yisraeli in time for the High Holy Day season.

What I learned about myself at the Israeli Film Festival

Retired high school teacher Lee Alexander reflects on the difficult emotions that arose in her while watching the film “Dr. Pomerantz”​ at Beth Jacob's Israeli Film Festival last March.