
Volunteering with Sar-El

"I felt good about voluteering in Israel, even though it was in a very small way."

Reflections by a Hamilton mother of two lone IDF soldiers

Rebecca Shapiro writes that having sons serving in the IDF has made her stronger than she thought possible.

A Sar-El Canada veteran returns for the third time

My name is Max Rams, and for me, this was my third time coming back to Israel volunteering with Sar-El.

Sar-El Canada is up and running

Sar-El Canada has resumed sending Canadians who wish to volunteer on Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) maintenance bases to their programs in Israel.

Sar-El Canada reopens to overseas volunteers

For Ruth McCrae, her time as a Sar-El volunteer on an IDF base was the most meaningful way to experience Israel.