JGSH Shem Tov Nominee Annette Richardson

The Jewish Genealogical Society of Hamilton and Area (JGSH) is pleased to nominate Annette Richardson for this year’s Shem Tov Award. Annette first joined JGSH in 2015. She was elected to the JGSH board in 2016 and is now our treasurer. Annette has enormous energy and many ideas that regularly brighten our discussions. Her skills as a hostess, cook and facilitator have made our Social gatherings something everyone looks forward to. Probably most important, Annette is a kind and generous person and JGSH is proud to nominate her for the 2020 Shem Tov Award.

What the volunteer commitment means to Annette:
“JGSH is a group of people with unique family histories. Genealogy is my lifelong hobby/passion therefore I am happy to be a member. This group and its diversity continues to educate me. I am honoured to be to be recognized for this award.”