Letters to the editor

Letters published in the Letters to the Editor section do not necessarily reflect the views of the Hamilton Jewish News.

Disturbing developments in Strathcona

Jewish residents and allies expelled from Facebook group.

Living History: The 1938 flight from Nazi Czechoslovakia

Wilma Igger’s eyewitness account of how 39 Czech Jews were allowed safe entry into Canada on the eve of the Holocaust.

I savoured every moment of the Jewish Film Festival

In 2016 I moved from Toronto to Hamilton to be closer to work. Since that time, one of my intentions has been to establish a connection to my new community, a process easier said than done during the past few years of the pandemic. This year, however, I have been enjoying participating in lo…

Censorship has no place in our community

It is troubling that the only letters published in the HJN November issue responding to Rachel Loewith Rochwerg’s letter We must not stifle those who criticize Israel were hostile and disparaging.
Several of the writers used the existential threat of antisemitism as justification for …