
18 2018

Yavilah McCoy : Meaningful Allyship in the Face of Anti-Semitism

4:30PM - 6:30PM  

McMaster University 1280 Main St. W
Hamilton, ON L8S 4L8

Contact Judith Dworkin

For current university students of all backgrounds. Do you care about justice and community on campus? Are you interested in thinking about your own role as an ally? This workshop, by renowned equity trainer Yavilah McCoy, is for university students and will focus on skill-building and methodologies for allyship across difference, including a special emphasis on anti-Semitism – how it works (differently from other kinds of oppression), how to recognize it, and how to stand in support of your fellow Jewish students experiencing it. When we are able to support each other in the face of discrimination, we together raise up our community. (Will update closer to event date)

Sponsor: McMaster Hillel, The Equity and Inclusion Office at McMaster University (plus more, will update)