
14 2021

Be Wise: Cannabis and Older Adults

2:00PM - 3:00PM  

ZOOM 30 King Street East
Dundas, ON L9H 5G6

Contact Alexis Wenzowski

Join Active Aging Canada, along with HJFS, for a discussion on their initiative, Be Wise. Be Wise discusses cannabis and older adults. It provides information on :

Older Canadians and cannabis use
Facts about cannabis
Cannabis and the law
Therapeutic benefits
Side effects and risks
Aging and cannabis
Talking to your doctor
Dosing and your health condition

There will be a time for questions at the end.

There is no cost for this presentation; however, donations are always appreciated.

To register, visit www.hamiltonjfs.ca or e-mail mildredr@hamiltonjfs.ca

This will be on ZOOM